Washington County Open Studios Tour

Update on 2025 Mentorship Program

2024 Watercolor mentorship – Suchitra Komandur with JoAnn Pari-Mueller

Hello fellow artists!

This year, to accommodate artist’s busy schedules, we are planning the WCAA Mentorship program a little differently- with 2 separate start dates. Those of you who signed up for the mentorship program in January will be hearing from Linda and Sam this week to start the first phase however, we have 6 spots left in the program for the second phase and this is where YOU are needed! If you have a desire to mentor someone who is curious about your medium and pass down your practice, techniques and love of art- please attend our March 16 Artist Meeting!  Linda and Sam will be in attendance to answer questions and there will be a sign up form as well! For further questions, please send us a message via our contact form on our website, we’d love to hear from you!: