Washington County Open Studios Tour

Kimberly Ghaemmaghami reflects on the 2018 tour

Last year after some encouragement from dear friends I decided to take a leap I have been considering for some time, and make a commitment to get myself out there as an artist. The Washington County Open Studios tour proved to be an excellent opportunity to do just that. For years I attended this event and others like it; each time getting energized and inspired by the high quality art that is represented in this event. Someday I will do this I would think but first… Each year would pass and the distractions of life and fear of standing naked before the world would stop me. Last year I leapt. I am a sculptor by training but in my artistic life, I wander from medium to medium. Trying to reign this in proved only to stifle my creativity, but a cohesive body of work was difficult to identify. This realization reinforced my excuses but I decided to sign up anyway because if not now then when? That proved to be a very good decision. By making the commitment, I forced myself to focus and cobble together a body of work that looked somewhat like it was made by the same person. The event was very successful for me. Sales were good, and I even got a few commissions! I was invited to be in an exhibition and heard about other opportunities to explore. Before the show I told myself I would be happy if people just made the effort to come see my work. I was so grateful when people in fact did visit my studio and surprised even more when they began making purchases. Some were even strangers! Most were friends. What I didn’t anticipate was that joining this show and seeing the response from those who attended, gave me a great boost of creative energy and I have continued creating more and more work and now have more ideas than I know what to do with. What a wonderful experience this has been! I am definitely doing it again next year.