Media: pastels, oil
Artist’s Statement: I’m always drawn to the moment when the light is most dramatic, often at the edges of our days and to vistas that speaks a calmer, simpler place in our lives. I gravitate to rural scenes with overlapping elements and use enough color to uplight and enough neutrals to be calming. I work from dark to light in multiple layers, using glazing or scumbling techniques to create richness and depth. Whenever I can I paint plein-air but also work in the studio from field studies and photographs. My voice is constantly evolving. After formal design and illustration training, I am constantly trying to loosen my style to become more painterly and impressionistic. The act of painting teaches me to how to let go, surrender and let the magic happen.
Address: 33503 SW Riedweg Rd, Cornelius Show in Google Maps
♿ This studio is accessible.
Directions: From Hwy 217 go west on Unger Rd for approximately 1 mile. Take a right turn on Riedweg Rd. Proceed another mile and at hairpin turn take left at dirt driveway. #33503. Proceed to end of driveway.
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