
Washington County Open Studios Tour

2022 Visitor Survey Highlights

In 2022 visitors were asked to complete a “passport” which recorded which studios they had visited and had survey questions about the tour. These questions were on In return for completing the survey visitors who turned in a completed passport were entered into a drawing to win prizes of donated artwork. There was not purchase required to enter the passport drawing.

These questions were on the passport survey

  • How did you find out about the Open Studios Tour?
  • What was you favorite experience?
  • How could we improve the tour?

130 passports were turned in. Comparing the attendance numbers from the artist survey to the attendance number from the passport survey it’s clear that most visitors did not turn in a passport. The number of unique visitors to Open Studios is probably in the range of 800-1000. The information derived is nonetheless very useful for planning future tours.

This is how people found out about the tour

Word of mouth6852.31%
Map Guide107.69%
Repeat Visitor86.15%
News article32.31%
Visited PDX Open Studios32.31%
Did not say1310.00%

A wide variety of answers were given to what went well. Here is a sample of those responses.

  • Creative, inclusive & free
  • Meeting artist, buying beautiful creations
  • Amazing artists – talking w them
  • Warm welcome & friendly
  • Hands on experience with art materials
  • Talking to the artists to understand their processes

The question on what could be improved yielded surprisingly few common themes. These were the only responses that were repeated on more than one survey.

More map guides53.85%
Map numbers on web pages21.54%
More Publicity21.54%